In GOOGLE, type the following: Searching for personal data and confidential documents 1)To view the CV: intitle: "curric...
In GOOGLE, type
the following:
Searching for personal data and confidential documents
1)To view the CV:
"curriculum vitae" "phone * * *" "address *"
2)To find Excel spreadsheet called email.xls:
3) To find MSN contacts list
4) To find Documents containing the confidential clause
"not for distribution" confidential
5) Trillian IM contacts list
intitle:index.of mystuff.xml
6) Database files for the Quicken financial application
filetype:QDF QDF
7) finances.xls files, potentially containing information on bank
accounts,financial summaries and credit card numbers
intitle:index.of finances.xls
8) maillog files, potentially containing e-mail:
intitle:"Index Of" -inurl:maillog maillog size
9) Reports for network security scans,
penetration tests etc.
"Network Vulnerability Assessment Report"
"Host Vulnerability Summary Report"
filetype:pdf "Assessment Report"
"This file was generated by Nessus"
Queries for locating network devices
1)"Copyright (c)
Tektronix, Inc." "printer status" - PhaserLink printers
2) inurl:"printer/main.html"
intext:"settings" - Brother
HL printers
3) intitle:"Dell Laser Printer" ews - Dell printers with EWS technology
4) intext:centreware inurl:status - Xerox
Phaser 4500/6250/8200/8400 printers
5) inurl:hp/device/this.LCDispatcher - HP
6) intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl - Canon
Webview webcams
7) intitle:"EvoCam" inurl:"webcam.html" - Evocam
8) inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" - Panasonic
Network Camera webcams
9) (intext:"MOBOTIX M1" | intext:"MOBOTIX
M10") intext:"Open
Shift-Reload - Mobotix
10) inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
- Axis webcams
11) SNC-RZ30 HOME - Sony
SNC-RZ30 webcams
12) intitle:"my webcamXP server!" inurl:":8080" - webcams accessible via WebcamXP Server
13) allintitle:Brains, Corp. camera - webcams accessible via mmEye
14) intitle:"active webcam page" - USB webcams